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Pied Piper

Pied Piper

by digby


The Iowa State Fair won’t allow Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump to give kids free rides on his helicopter on fairgrounds, but the real estate developer has secured a nearby location.

The helicopter will take off from a parking lot outside the fair in Des Moines, campaign state chairman Chuck Laudner told CNN on Friday, adding that Trump may hop on a few rides as well.

CNN previously reported that the Sikorsky is one of three that he owns, seats 12 people comfortably, including the pilot.

Why would any individual need three Sikorsky helicopters?


Billionaire businessman Donald Trump offered kids helicopter rides in a show of wealth as he bragged Saturday that he is willing to spend $1 billion on his presidential campaign.

“I’m turning down so much money,” Trump said at a press conference kicking off his weekend trip to Iowa to visit the State Fair, with his black helicopter emblazoned with “Trump” and children standing in the background.

Trump touted turning down a $5 million donation offer this week before saying he would spend $1 billion on his 2016 Republican presidential bid “if I had to.”

“Nobody else would do the job that I will do,” Trump said, mentioning jobs, the military, care for veterans and the “catastrophe” of ObamaCare, which he said he would get rid of.

Oy… I am getting old so I try not to wish my life away anymore but there is a big part of me that wishes I could go to sleep and wake up next summer at this time.


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