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Kindergarten teachers deserve to be beaten

Kindergarten teachers deserve to be beaten

by digby

This is what the Republicans define as “presidential” these days.  They hate foreigners and hippies and uppity black people, of course. But that’s not all:

Jake Tapper: “At the national level, who deserves a punch in the face?”

Chris Christie: “The National Teachers Union”

At least he didn’t compare them to ISIS as Scott Walker did.

Update: And then there’s this …

KARL: Would President Trump authorize waterboarding and other enhanced interrogation techniques, even torture?

TRUMP: I would be inclined to be very strong. When people are chopping off other people’s heads and then we’re worried about waterboarding and we can’t, because I have no doubt that that works. I have absolutely no doubt.

KARL: You’d bring back waterboarding?

TRUMP: …you mention waterboarding, which was such a big subject. I haven’t heard that term in a year now, because when you see the other side chopping off heads, waterboarding doesn’t sound very severe.

This is what we have on offer from the right these days. I hope liberals don’t get too smug about this. Wingnut insanity is being normalized. That is not a good thing.


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