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Will he pass the “whiz” test?

Will he pass the “whiz” test?

by digby

“Scott Walker has not been able to take positions on evolution, President Obama’s love of country, and lacks the leadership to pick a side when one of his fellow GOP candidates steps way over the line. And now he can’t even pick a cheesesteak? This pattern of pandering is unpresidential.” – TJ Helmstetter, DNC spokesperson

This is a bit of a stretch, but Walker is pandering with everything he has to pretend that being a far right, hardcore conservative who barely survived a recall election in his first term in statewide office uniquely qualifies him to win the presidency.

The cheesesteak thing is also being done to remind everyone that the wingnuts went after the flip-flopper John “the Frenchman” Kerry with everything they had for ordering his cheese steak with swiss cheese instead of “Whiz wit”:

Back in 2004 during the presidential campaign, George Bush ordered his cheese steak “Whiz wit,” while John Kerry asked for his with Swiss cheese, a misstep that solidified Kerry’s effete reputation and made him the subject of ridicule across Philadelphia.

Right. “It solidified his effete reputation.” Which just proves how stupid our politics have been for a very long time.

(In case you are wondering, “Whiz wit” means a cheesesteak with Cheese Whiz. Urp.)

Update: The answer appears to be no, he didn’t pass:

Wisconsin Governor and presidential candidate Scott Walker stopped by Pat’s and Geno’s in South Philly today for a campaign event, and, perhaps not surprisingly, things appear to have not gone all that well.

First off, it appears that when Gov. Walker showed up, he cut his way into line at Geno’s, which legitimately and understandably upset some members of the lunch crowd

Then, when Gov. Walker got to the front of the line, he ordered his steak with American cheese and no onions. For many Philadelphians, that’s strike two

Then, over at Pat’s following his second steak, Gov. Walker reportedly left his trash on a table in the outdoor seating area, apparently expecting the steak shop to send out a member of the wait staff (which does not exist) to clean it up

Walker is from Wisconsin. he could have easily just said, I’m from cheese country and I eat cheddar, dudes.” He ordered American cheese which is worse than ordering Whiz …

You have to admire the protests though. They seem to fit with Walker’s own immaturity:


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