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“You cannot defeat evil until you admit it exists”

“You cannot defeat evil until you admit it exists”

by digby

Bobby Jindal immediately after Chattanooga:

“It’s time for the White House to wake up and tell the truth…and the truth is that Radical Islam is at war with us, and we must start by being honest about that. There have been many bad things that have happened under President Obama. One that stands out to me was the horrible shooting at Ft. Hood…which was clearly an act of terrorism by a Radical Islamist. Yet the White House labeled that horrible act as ‘workplace violence.’ This is grotesque. You cannot defeat evil until you admit that it exists.”

Bobby Jindal immediately after Lafayette:

Gov. Bobby Jindal said “now is not the time” to discuss gun control, despite repeated questions Friday outside the movie theater where a right-wing extremist killed two people and wounded nine others before killing himself.

Pressed to declare his position as a Republican presidential candidate, Jindal upbraided the reporters and said, “I’m sure people will want to score political points,” but “now it’s time to shower the victims with love and prayer.”

“My answer is not changing,” he continued. “Now is not the right time. Let us mourn. You can ask me all you want in a couple of days.”

Lone wolves are only evil when they’re mentally ill Muslims who come under the influence of Islamic extremist politics on the internet and shoot some people. Let’s not talk about the mentally ill white men who come under the influence of Rightwing extremist politics on the internet and shoot some people. The first is a mortal danger to our nation and we must do everything in our power, including going to war, to stop them. The latter are just some unfortunate, misunderstood people about whom there’s nothing we can do without sacrificing important principles we hold dear.

And yet the victims are just as dead, by exactly the same means, regardless of the motivation of the people who killed them.

Oh, and by the way, the Lafayette shooter had something in common with Jeb! Bush: they both admire the same authors.

Asked to elaborate on his concerns about family formation, [former Gov. Jeb Bush] twice praised author Charles Murray, best known for his highly controversial 1994 book which touches on racial differences in I.Q., for his later research into the rise of single motherhood. 

“My views on this were shaped a lot by Charles Murray’s book,” Bush said.
The Republican presidential hopeful added, “I like Charles Murray books to be honest with you, which means I’m a total nerd I guess.”

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