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Reince, you’ve got a problem

Reince, you’ve got a problem

by digby

The longer this continues the bigger the GOP problem.  It’s still early and the odds are still very good that Trump will flame out, but it’s become very clear that a fair number of Republicans really, really like what he is saying:

A new Economist/YouGov poll finds Donald Trump way ahead of the GOP presidential field with 28% support, followed by Jeb Bush at 14%, Scott Walker at 13%, Ben Carson at 7% and Rand Paul at 5%.

Key finding: “There is clearly a core group of registered voters who identify as Republicans that has coalesced around Trump’s tough talk and proposals. He is even more clearly in first place than he was two weeks ago”

Also interesting: “A separate YouGov poll completed Wednesday suggests a reason why the McCain controversy may not have affected Trump as much as some expected. Two out of three Republicans view McCain as a war hero. But fewer say they have a favorable opinion of him.”

It’s been said before but I’ll say it again: they created this monster and now it’s out of control. And I’m not talking about Trump. I’m talking about the GOP base. Don’t blame the Donald,he’s just an opportunist. Blame Rush Limbaugh and Roger Ailes.

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