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Runferyerlives! (Maybe)

Runferyerlives! (Maybe)

by digby

The powerful Chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security had some very scary news for us:

A shooting that killed four Marines in Chattanooga, Tennessee, appears to be inspired by ISIS, and the gunman’s communication devices are being analyzed in search of directives from the terrorist group, Congressman Michael McCaul said Friday at MacDill Air Force Base.

The FBI has opened a terrorism investigation related to the case, said McCaul, the chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee. The gunman could have been radicalized through online communication with ISIS, a process that poses an increasing threat to the United States.

“The threat is real, and it comes from the internet,” said McCaul, a Republican representative from Texas. “This is a new generation of terrorist. This is not Bin Laden in caves with couriers anymore. This is what the new threat of terrorism looks like.”

While the investigation is still in its early stages, McCaul told reporters that signs point to the shooter, Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez, of Hixson, Tenn., having been compelled by ISIS to open fire at a military recruiting center in a Chattanooga strip mall Thursday and then a nearby military training center.

“We can only be lucky so many times,” McCaul said. “We can only stop so much. They only have to be right one time, one percent, and unfortunately I believe yesterday they were.”

Sounds pretty open and shut.

Well, except for this:


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