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A good way to handle Fox News

A good way to handle Fox News

by digby

Fox is working itself into a frenzy over San Francisco again:

Scott Wiener, a member of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, knew Fox News was lurking.

“They’ve been stalking various members of the board of supervisors for the last week. They went to someone’s home. One of my colleagues said they were following her around in her district last week,” Wiener told ThinkProgress in a phone interview.

Fox News became interested in local San Francisco politicians like Wiener after the murder of Kathryn Steinle by an undocumented immigrant. Fox saw this as an opportunity to point the blame at the Board Of Supervisors for making San Francisco a “sanctuary city” that does not actively seek the deportation of undocumented immigrants. Or, as Wiener put it, Fox News is trying to “take advantage of a horrific crime to bash immigrants.”

When Fox News finally ambushed him in the hallway, Wiener knew what he was going to do. He didn’t want to answer the questions because he knew Fox News was not going to make a good faith effort to cover the issue. He didn’t want to just duck his head and hide, because he knew how that looked on TV. So he addressed Fox News directly: “Fox News is not real news. And you’re not a real reporter.”

This short clip has made Wiener a hero in his city. The response in San Francisco has been “overwhelmingly and enthusiastically positive. People are thrilled. There is such a deep seated frustration with Fox News and the fringe it represents,” Wiener said, saying he’d also received messages of support from around the country.

Fox could not be more thrilled to have this story to flog. It’s got it all, liberal hippies in San Francisco, an undocumented Mexican murder suspect and a lovely young victim who happens to be white. It’s their version of #blacklivesmatter. Except without the context of centuries of oppression and systemic injustice.  (Actually, now that I think about it, there is a historical context to this whole notion of the evil “other” raping and killing innocent young white women, isn’t there?)


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