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Houston, we have liftoff, by @Gaius_Publius

Houston, we have liftoff

by Gaius Publius

No, not this kind. This kind. It’s started again:

Record highs increase likelihood that 2015 will also be the warmest year recorded.

Last month was the hottest June on record by a wide margin, Japan
Meteorological Agency said, increasing the likelihood that 2015 will
also be the warmest.

Global surface temperatures were 0.41 degrees
above the 1981-2010 average in June, the largest such anomaly in
records going back to 1891, according to preliminary data from the state

The previous warmest June came just last year, when the
departure from the long-run average was 0.33 degrees, indicating a
sizeable jump in 2015.

Worldwide temperatures are on a warming
trend as increased greenhouse gas levels trap more of the solar
radiation. A global summit in Paris set for late this year will seek to
limit that warming – and the potential for dangerous climate change – to
less than 2 degrees compared with pre-industrial times.

The US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said last
month that May and the first five months of 2015 were the hottest on

Am I writing this to frighten you? Only if it moves you to action. This action, which is entirely doable, once enough of us want it. Believe me, if this keep up, we’re going to want it

In that sense this unwelcoming heat, for once, may be our best friend. Time to use it as one.



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