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Get over it, Ted

Get over it, Ted

by digby

If anyone is laboring under the illusion that Ted Cruz isn’t a total hack without even a modicum of ideological integrity, this should disabuse you of that notion:

“Look, if unelected judges are going to seize every major policy issue in this country — you know, there was a time…” Cruz said.

Matthews interjected: “They seized the presidency in 2000. You did not complain! The Supreme Court said no to the state of Florida: ‘You can’t recount, even though it’s a close election, you are not allowed to recount. We’re giving this to our guy, 5-4 Republican vote in the Supreme Court.’ If there was ever a case of partisanship or ideology getting out of hand, it was 2000, and you loved it.”

“Chris, those are great talking points,” Cruz said, before asking how many times Florida recounted its ballots, noting that George W. Bush prevailed all four times. “The Democrats’ strategy was, ‘We’re going to keep counting and counting and counting and counting, and eventually maybe enough people would cheat and somehow our guy will win,’” he added.

Cruz also compared the decision of Florida’s Supreme Court to allow a ballot recount to a couple of recent decisions from the nation’s highest court.

“It was partisan defiance of the Court,” Cruz said of the decision, “and frankly, what the Florida Supreme Court did in the Bush v. Gore recount, is the same thing the U.S. Supreme Court did with Obamacare and marriage.”

He’s way too slippery Matthews but that doesn’t make what he said any less fatuous. Calling what Matthews says “talking points” and then blathering on the Bush team’s robotic recount talking points in the next breath was a nice touch though.

I just wish Matthews had had the presence of mind to say at the end of Cruz’s little speech: “Get over it.”

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