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One nation, indivisible

One nation, indivisible

by digby

I know that a lot of the neo-confederates are sort of asking for it with their 150 year celebration of the South seceding from the union and all but there’s something wrong with these articles musing about what the US would be like if it weren’t for all those southerners. It’s just as distasteful to separate them out as it is to break down the voting patterns and say things like “if it weren’t for all those black and Hispanic people voting, the Republicans would win everything!” It’s irrelevant.

For better or worse we’re all Americans and the differences among us have been baked into the cake since the beginning. That is America, warts and all.  We even had a civil war over the whole thing and came out one country. That’s not going to change and I seriously doubt that if they thought it through anyone would really want it to.


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