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by digby

It’s hard to believe these people are this nihilistic, but with these people, anything is possible:

I would be curious to know if this “tactic” has ever been used before to hamstring foreign policy, specifically announcing in advance that treaties negotiated on certain issues or with certain actors will be abrogated by the Senate?

I suspect that in the past Senators would have been embarrassed to be such cretins as to admit that they will not even consider the document in questions, but maybe not. In any case, Senator Jeff Sessions and his cohorts are cretins. After all, if they want to vote against a treaty they can.  This is about telling the world that the president of the United States does not have the power to negotiate one in good faith.

But then they know very well that if a Republican president is elected he will not be subject to the same problem. This radicalism gives them tremendous power.

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