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When Barr says he wants an “investigation,” get nervous

When Barr says he wants an “investigation,” get nervous

by digby

The President of the United States personally disseminated the disgusting wingnut conspiracy theory that Bill and Hillary Clinton had Jeffrey Epstein killed. Kellyann Conway defended it, of course. She is almost psychotically shameless. But she’s not the only one:

There is literally nothing they won’t defend.

I would imagine that if there was a conspiracy it was between Epstein and the prison authorities — he paid somebody to look the other way. On the other hand, Occam’s Razor just says it’s incompetence and Epstein saw his opportunity and it worked.

Bill Barr says he is appalled:

Until this year I would never have even remotely suspected that an Attorney General would actually subscribe to a loony conspiracy theory and put the full weight of the federal enforcement behind proving it, but I have to admit that when he said that he wants a “full investigation” the first thing I thought was that this is a man who is pursuing the ridiculous theory that the Intelligence community and the FBI tried to sabotage Trump’s candidacy by instituting a fake Russian counter-intelligence probe — but kept it a secret and instead pushed the ridiculous Clinton email scandal. He is actually doing that. Right now.

So, frankly, I won’t be entirely shocked to learn that he has dispatched agents and other investigators to determine if Bill and Hillary Clinton ordered a hit on Jeffrey Epstein. I honestly think he could do it. After all, the president is retweeting this conspiracy theory and his top henchmen are going on TV and winking and nodding about the “need” to investigate “everything.” This crazy bullshit is not confined to the fringe — it’s at the very top and there is every reason to believe that Barr is one of them.


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