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Blind leading the blind

Blind leading the blind

by digby

Via Wonkette, there’s more:

Fox News’s The Five had a little memory problem Monday, accusing the Department of Homeland Security of completely imagining that rightwing extremists pose any threat to U.S. Americans, because as we all know, the only real terrorists are the Islamic ones. Most of the panel dismissed the DHS’s recent report on the threat from “Sovereign Citizens” and other far-right groups as a pathetic attempt to avoid offending Muslims by pretending that anyone else does terrorism in U.S. America.

Wingnuts So Mad About Report On Right-Wing Terrorism, They Just Might Shoot Something
Greg Gutfeld explained that in looking for possible rightwing extremists, DHS was chasing after “nonexistent threats,” like maybe “armed Lutherans laying siege on a Hot Topic in a mall? I don’t think so!” (He is the group “comedian.”) But then Juan Williams lost the script, noting that there were indeed domestic terrorists, too: “Oklahoma City? How about the Atlanta Olympic bomber?”

Eric Bolling — he’s the douchey ex-jock-looking one — was on it: “You got two. You got two over four decades,” which is rather interesting math for a “financial expert,” since OKC was in 1995 and the Atlanta Olympics bombing was in 1996. We suppose that the other three attacks by Atlanta bomber Eric Rudolph — two on abortion clinics and one on a gay nightclub — don’t actually count, since no one was killed. Of course, even “four over two decades” would only have included the examples Williams named.

Bolling then challenged Williams to give even a single example “from the last seven years” of a “rightwing or ‘Christian Crusade’” terror attack, and Williams replied by citing the 2009 assassination of Dr. George Tiller: “I remember a doctor getting shot in his church…”

“An abortion clinic shooting, you’re calling that a terrorist attack?” Bolling asked.

“What would you call it?” Williams countered.

“A lunatic who murdered someone,” Bolling said.

Jesus, if  that guy wasn’t a terrorist nobody is.

Wonkette goes on to name a whole bunch of violent right wing terrorist acts they’ve covered over just the past year:

Including this one which seems not have made even the slightest impact on anyone:

Jerad and Amanda Miller, the super-patriots who gunned down a couple of cops and a lady who was going to Wal-Mart in Vegas yesterday, may have bragged constantly to all their neighbors about their guns and about how they’d been hanging at Bundy Ranch with fellow super-patriot Cliven Bundy…

There’s a much longer list at the link.

These people run around in total hysteria over the notion that some nutball Islamic “lone wolf” might commit an act of violence and they don’t see or care about the terrorist violence we have been living with every day. In fact, they support the underlying grievances and help promote them.


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