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Lone Wolf attack

Lone Wolf attack

by digby

Everyone says that the authorities are completely panicked at the prospect of these Lone Wolves staging individual attacks, so they need expanded police powers to stop them. Then we will never have to fear people like this man. And these women and we can live safely in America.

Here’s one now:

The suspect in an attack on Dallas police headquarters is believed to be dead after a police sniper shot at him early Saturday.

So far, though, authorities had not been able to approach the vehicle safely to confirm that he had been killed. They were working to make their way into the vehicle with the assistance of a robot, and they alerted the public that some planned detonations might be heard as they tried to gain entry.

Police had spent hours trying to negotiate with the man in the armored vehicle he used during his assault on the headquarter before he led dozens of squad cars on a chase that ended along Interstate 45 in Hutchins.

ISIS? Al Qaeda?

No one was injured by the man, who identified himself as James Boulware, a 50-year-old with a history of family violence.

Dallas police Chief David Brown said Boulware had blamed authorities for his losing custody of his son.

Boulware’s mother, Jeannine, declined to comment Saturday morning when she was reached at her Dallas home by phone.

“I don’t want to talk to the media. I want to talk to my son. I want my grandson to talk to his father. Do not call this number again,” she said.

The suspect’s father, Jim Boulware of Carrollton, said his son had blamed police for losing custody of his own child, who is now in middle school.

But despite previous threats of violence, he said he never expected anything like Saturday’s events.

“He blames the police for taking his son away from him,” Jim Boulware said. “I tried to tell him that the police are just doing their job.”

Never mind. His plot wasn’t motivated by Islamic terrorism so it’s not a big deal. It’s just the old All American violence we live with every day.  Carry on.

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