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A horrible story with a happy ending

A horrible story with a happy ending

by digby

You’ve got to be a serious psycho to do this. Unfortunately, the world is full of them:

When California rescue group Ranch Dog Rescue found this 5 month old Husky, they found him in terrible conditions The 11-pound pup had had his muzzle tied shut with rubber bands for so long that the scars went down to the bone. His back legs had been broken, and his teeth were rotten. His owners, a married couple of Marines, are now being held for investigation at Camp Pendleton.

The good news:

Kane has had surgery to repair his legs and is now in recovery. “I could not have asked, or hoped, for a better prognosis. All three veterinarians who treated Kane agree that the extent of his injuries are a clear sign of neglect and the result of severe abuse,” says Maureen Keo, founder of Ranch Dog Rescue. After posting the beautiful pup’s picture on their Facebook page, Ranch Dog Rescue had many people offering to take the pup in and give him a loving home. Keo says, “In six weeks or so, when the beautiful baby boy has recovered from surgery, Kane will join a loving family experienced with special needs pets.”

There’s a super adorable video at the link…


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