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Safeway stands up to lunacy

Safeway stands up to lunacy

by digby

I don’t do a lot of petition stuff but this one strikes me as worth doing:

Safeway — one of the largest grocery chains in the country — is asking shoppers to leave their guns at home.

It’s an important policy, and it means they’re committed to a safe shopping experience that we should all keep in mind when it comes to stocking up.

Weak gun laws in most states mean that virtually anyone can openly carry loaded weapons without any permits, training or background checks. When the law doesn’t protect us, private businesses have the responsibility to prohibit the open carry of guns where they don’t belong.

But now gun extremists are attacking the supermarket chain — all because of a common-sense policy that’s meant to keep our families safe where we shop. As pressure builds from the small but vocal opposition, we have to make sure Safeway knows we appreciate their stance.

Use the form on this page to send a thank-you message to Safeway CEO Robert Miller for supporting this common-sense policy.

Honestly, people don’t need to carry their guns into a grocery store. The food is already dead. And if the million to one chance that some terrible person tries to kill them while they’re there comes to pass it’s highly unlikely they’ll do anything more than make things worse by firing back. Far more likely they will accidentally kill someone instead.

It shouldn’t be up to businesses to make a policy saying that they don’t want guns in their stores. This should be a simple matter of public safety in which people aren’t allowed to carry loaded guns in public except under certain discrete circumstances. There are too many gun accidents already and the price we’re paying for it is astronomical.


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