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QOTD: Difi

QOTD: Difi

by digby


I am particularly struck that the alleged bombers made use of online bombmaking guides like the Anarchist Cookbook and Inspire Magazine. These documents are not, in my view, protected by the First Amendment and should be removed from the Internet.

Setting aside what Senator Feinstein believes should and shouldn’t be protected by the First Amendment, does she think it’s possible to just “erase” these documents from the internet and then nobody will be able to build a bomb? Does she think that people are so stupid they can’tuse some of the million other books in the world that contain information about how to build a bomb? Burning all those books would be quite a task.

But even if they were able to confiscate and erase all knowledge that could lead to someone making a bomb, all the would-be lone wolves would just fall back on the automatic weaponry and other military gear they can easily buy at one of our thousands of gun bazaars around the country. And don’t even think about trying to prevent that.


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