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Wingnut vs Wingnut

Wingnut vs Wingnut

by digby

This is actually a revival of an old right wing fight but it’s fun anyway. When the hawks ascend this is the sort of thing that becomes a big deal:

Conservative commentator Glenn Beck said Friday that the National Rifle Association is opening an ethics investigation into whether prominent conservative activist and NRA board member Grover Norquist holds sympathies for the Muslim Brotherhood.

Beck said he’s told NRA executive vice president Wayne LaPierre that he will drop out of the group if Norquist is reelected to the NRA board, and he said LaPierre indicated during the conversation there will be an investigation.

The NRA has not made a comment on a possible probe, however, and did not immediately respond to questions from The Hill.

John Kartch, Norquist’s spokesman at Americans for Tax Reform, repudiated Beck’s accusations and said the if the NRA did do an investigation, it would find Norquist has no sympathies with the Muslim Brotherhood.

He linked the accusations against Norquist to an effort by Frank Gaffney, the founder of the conservative national security think tank named the Center for Security Policy, to tar Norquist.

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