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Yes, we’re revisiting the 90s. The 1890s.

Yes, we’re revisiting the 90s. The 1890s.

by digby

Cable news integrity doesn’t start from a very high level. But it’s is sinking before our eyes into something nearly comical in its absurdity:

Conservative commentator Bill Kristol said on Wednesday morning that white University of Oklahoma frat members who were recently caught on video singing a racist chant were parroting the language they had learned from rap music.

“When popular culture becomes a cesspool, a lot of corporations profit off it, and then people are surprised that some drunk 19-year-old kids repeat what they’ve been hearing,” the Weekly Standard editor, who is white, said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”

He made the comments after co-host Mika Brzezinski, who is also white, criticized the rapper Waka Flocka Flame, who is black, for canceling a concert at the university despite using the N-word in his own songs.

“If you look at every single song, I guess you’d call it, that he’s written, it’s a bunch of garbage, full of N-words, full of F-bombs,” Brzezinski said. “It’s wrong. And he shouldn’t be disgusted with them; he should be disgusted with himself.”

Yeah, rappers are always celebrating the idea of “hanging them from the trees.”

But I do love it when self-righteous wingnuts like Scarborough condemn corporations for profiting from violent lyrics sung by black people. (Also a return to the 90s, by the way.) I honestly can[t think of another profit center they object to. Including slave labor and poisoning the public with e.coli.


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