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All in a day’s work

All in a day’s work

by digby

From the Marshall Project:

Officer Sean Kenney had shot two people in less than five months, and even though they had both died, he was still patrolling Vallejo, California, on Oct. 24, 2012, when he responded to a call about a domestic disturbance.

The report came in after neighbors heard a commotion in Jeremiah Moore’s front yard at around 1 a.m. Marvin Clouse, who lived next door, went outside to see what was going on. Jaime Alvarado, who lived across the street, looked out his window.

Moore, who was white, was a friendly neighbor. He was autistic, his family said. He lived with his boyfriend Jason Jessie and the two of them fixed up old cars, which sat parked on their front lawn. The garage was packed with antiques and vintage electronics that Jessie spruced up and sold on eBay. One of the items he kept in the garage, Clouse said, was a 1920s-era .22-caliber rifle.
In recent months, neighbors had noticed that the couple had started acting strange — paranoid rants, extravagant conspiracy theories, that sort of thing. They had started taking peyote and other heavy drugs, Clouse said.

“They were really nice guys, but they had a mental breakdown,” said Clouse.

Moore and Jessie were in their front yard, naked, smashing their cars. Clouse pulled out his phone to record what he was seeing. It was dark outside, so you can’t see anything in the video, but the audio is clear. “You start the fire,” Jessie told Moore. Moore went back inside the house and within minutes smoke was rising from out the back of the house. By now, police had received multiple calls about the disturbance. Patrol cars pulled up and officers stepped out.
“And within about 30 seconds they shot Jeremiah,” Clouse said.

There was a volley of several gunshots at first. Then a pause of a few seconds. Then “Show me your hands!” Then two more shots.

There are differing accounts about what happened then but the witnesses say the officer got nervous when the mentally ill man started shaking and acting agitated and shot him. The police have given differing accounts saying that someone had a shotgun. One thing is not ins dispute. This officer killed 3 people in different incidents within 21 days and was rewarded with a promotion. You have to assume they think it’s all in a day’s work.

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