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And the winner of the most awkward committee hearing exchange of 2015 is…

And the winner of the most awkward committee hearing exchange of 2015 is…

by digby

North Carolina Senator Thom Tillis and South Carolina Senator Lindsay Graham:

Sen. Thom Tillis, R-N.C., asked Graham during a hearing if he was “working on grandchildren.” The Republican felt the need to invoke the colorful legacy of his fellow South Carolinian in his response.

“Not mine, but others, yeah,” Graham said. “I guess if I did the Strom thing it’s possible. But I better get started.”

When he was 66, the widowed Thurmond remarried to 22-year-old Nancy Moore in 1968. They had four children. Graham, who is single, is 59.

I guess Tillis was unaware that Graham is a notoriously single man, often assumed to be gay. And Graham must be unaware that everyone sees him as a notoriously single man, often assumed to be gay. Not that there’s anything wrong with that one way or the other, of course. It’s just … awkward.


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