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A Democratic tyrant seizes power

A Democratic tyrant seizes power

by digby

…. and uses it to taunt his rivals mercilessly. Tom Sullivan sent this to me:

State Sen. Jeff Jackson managed to make it into work this morning — one of the only people to do so after ice and snow shut down the Republican-led state legislature. 

The Charlotte Democrat, an attorney with less than a term under his belt, unexpectedly found himself the most powerful person in the building. 

He was quick to take advantage of the situation. 

Check out Jackson’s Twitter feed and Facebook page this morning, where he’s detailing a one-man takeover of the N.C. General Assembly under the hashtag #JustOneLegislator.
And then there’s that hang-up over puppy mills, after a bill banning them stalled last year. 

Not to worry, Jackson tweeted.

He’s also got a little something to bring back home. 

Of course, it’ll be an uphill battle for any of these will come to fruition this session, but a lawmaker in the minority party can dream, can’t he? 

Keep following Jackson on Twitter here, he’s also taking requests on his Facebook page

Stay safe, everyone. 

UPDATE: Jackson’s been hard at work while most of us are watching the ice slowly thaw at home. 

He even defeated his own filibuster.


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