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Papantonio: Why Is Netanyahu Coming to Congress? A Jeb Bush–Circle Neocon Set It @Gaius_Publius

Papantonio: Why Is Netanyahu Coming to Congress? A Jeb Bush–Circle Neocon Set It Up

by Gaius Publius

I just wanted to add to something digby wrote recently about Jeb Bush, who is not out of the running for serious Republican presidential money:

[Jeb Bush] happens to be the only Bush who was a card-carrying member of the PNAC. He was a neocon long before neocons were cool. In fact, one must suspect that his early defiance of his father and brother in this regard signals the act of a True Believer. He didn’t need to do it. He was Governor of Florida, not head of the Senate Armed Services Committee. He must have really thought the cause was righteous. …

Right now he’s being given a smooth ride because the press and the political establishment is afraid that the lunatic fringe might get a crack at the white house and they see Jeb as the only sane alternative. The problem is that Jeb’s one of the crazies too, always has been.

The bottom line is this: if you liked Dick Cheney, you’re going to love President Jeb Bush. It turns out that Jeb’s the guy W was pretending to be.

In that context, consider this, Thom Hartmann and Mike Papantonio talking about the kerfuffle over Israeli hard-right premier Benjamin Netanyahu’s visit to the U.S. and its Republican Congress (via Thom Hartmann’s TV show, The Big Picture):

This is a former U.S. Florida politician, from a Florida political family, now serving as Israeli Ambassador to the U.S. — a non-political position, there as here — who is one of the key behind-the-scenes players in setting up Netanyahu’s speech before Congress, over administration objections. As Hartmann asks in the video, “How does that happen?”

Papantonio’s answer, “Real easy. Jeb Bush.” Because Dermer comes from the same neocon Florida crowd that Jeb Bush comes from. Listen to the video for the full Florida explanation, and also what Obama has to do to stop this.

Ready for endless Middle East war? As digby said:

Jeb’s the guy W was pretending to be.

Please consider that, Democratic king- and queen-makers before you give us a 2016 candidate the Democratic base is reluctant to support. Blackmail works both ways, you know, and the choice of candidate is on you.



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