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More process dodgin

More process dodging

by digby

Huffington Post reports that Democrats are between a rock and a hard place with the Netanyahu visit:

Already, the Israeli government has moved to tamp down Democratic unrest. On Wednesday, Rep. Steve Israel (D-N.Y.) hosted a meeting with six other Jewish Democratic members and Ron Dermer, Israel’s ambassador to the U.S. The meeting, according to an aide, came a few days after Dermer — who’s been heavily criticized for his role in organizing the Netanyahu speech — reached out. The group met in Israel’s office over Dunkin’ Donuts muffins and Munchkins, although those observing Jewish dietary laws abstained. They discussed everything from Bibi’s visit to legislation involving Iran sanctions.

“It was an opportunity for them to air their grievances to the ambassador, the fact that it is unfortunate that the style has overtaken the substance,” said the aide. “The grievances are not about Bibi coming to speak at all. It is about the way it transpired.”

(Love the donuts and Munchkins detail …)

But here’s the problem. Yes, the way it was done was wrong. The Speaker of the House should not be inviting foreign leaders to speak without clearing it with the White House. This is the kind of thing they should agree upon before it happens.

But the real issue here is that Netanyahu and the Republicans are trying to tank the nuclear negotiations with Iran. Even if they had crossed all their Is and dotted their Ts they’d still be trying to stand in the way of a more peaceful world. That’s the problem, not the lack of protocol. And it’s a big one.


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