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Welp, there goes the last vestige of independence in the Intelligence Community

Welp, there goes the last vestige of independence in the Intelligence Community

by digby

Another sycophantic cultist for one of the most sensitive jobs in the world:

President Trump is expected to nominate Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-Texas) to replace Dan Coats as director of national intelligence, according to three sources familiar with the president’s deliberations.

Behind the scenes: Trump was thrilled by Ratcliffe’s admonishment of former special counsel Robert Mueller in last week’s House Judiciary Committee hearing. “The special counsel’s job, nowhere does it say that you were to conclusively determine Donald Trump’s innocence or that the special counsel report should determine whether or not to exonerate him,” Ratcliffe, a former prosecutor, said to Mueller.

“I agree with Chairman Nadler this morning when he said Donald Trump is not above the law,” Ratcliffe added. “But he damn sure should not be below the law which is where Volume II of this report puts him.”

But while Ratcliffe’s performance in the Mueller hearing helped his chances for the DNI appointment, it wasn’t what put him on the president’s radar. Advisers to Trump said the president was already seriously considering Ratcliffe to replace Coats. Trump had previously shortlisted Ratcliffe to replace Jeff Sessions as attorney general before he ultimately chose William Barr.
The New York Times’ Maggie Haberman was the first to report that Ratcliffe was in the mix to replace Coats as DNI. And CNN reported that Ratcliffe was under consideration for an unspecified job in the administration.

As with all of Trump’s decisions, his advisers caution that the president could still change his mind at the last minute, but senior administration officials familiar with the president’s deliberations say Ratcliffe is the favorite.

The big picture: Trump has been mulling replacing Coats since at least February, as Axios recently reported. The director of national intelligence serves as an overseer of the U.S. intelligence community and a close adviser to the president and National Security Council, producing each day’s top-secret Presidential Daily Brief.

Trump has privately said he thinks the Office of the Director of National Intelligence represents an unnecessary bureaucratic layer and that he would like to get rid of it. He has been told that eliminating the ODNI is not politically possible, but would still like to “downsize” the office, the source said.

Between the lines: Coats has rankled Trump more than once with his public comments, according to sources with direct knowledge. He angered Trump when he appeared to criticize the president’s relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin during an on-stage interview with NBC’s Andrea Mitchell at last year’s Aspen Security Forum.

And he drew Trump’s ire again in January when he told a Senate panel that North Korea was unlikely to give up its nuclear weapons, contradicting the president’s cheerier assessments.
When I reported on Coats’ impending departure earlier this month, Coats said in a statement provided by ODNI: “I am focused on doing my job, and it is frustrating to repeatedly be asked to respond to anonymous sources and unsubstantiated, often false rumors that undercut the critical work of the Intelligence Community and its relationship with the President.
“I am proud to lead an IC singularly focused on the vital mission of providing timely and unbiased intelligence to President Trump, Vice President Pence and the national security team in support of our nation’s security.”

We have zero reason to believe that Ratliffe is a patriot. He clearly thinks it’s just fine for the Russians and anyone else who might want to help out his cult leader should be perfectly free to do so. As long as they ensure that Dear leader is re-elected so they can remain in power, they don’t care who is pulling his strings.

*By the way, Ratcliffe’s fatuous comment that no president should be below the law was one of the low points of the hearing. The DOJ has determined that a president can’t be indicted. This comment (and Barr’s previous comments to this effect as well) suggest that they believe no (Republican) president can be investigated for crimes while in office and in no case can any damaging information about him be made public for the purpose of accountability.

In other words, during his term he is a king, as if he were ordained by God.

Here is your president saying it right out loud just this week:

Article 2 does not say that. He won’t read so he is obviously being told that by his accomplices.

Update: looks like Coats is definitely stepping down. We don’t know yet if Ratcliffe is being tapped to replace.

But he probably is…


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