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Open Carry advocates down with the cops

Open Carry advocates down with the cops
by digby

DALLAS – Three members of an open carry group called Come and Take It Texas had rifles over their shoulders as they followed a small group of Ferguson protesters who marched through downtown Dallas Wednesday night.

Unlike Tuesday night, protesters did not close streets nor did they walk onto a freeway. In fact, this crowd was about a tenth of the size from what Dallas saw 24 hours earlier.

About two dozen people took part Wednesday night chanting “No justice, no peace” among other things as they protested police treatment of African-Americans.

Marchers stayed on the sidewalk the entire time and never left Lamar St. as they walked into downtown by El Centro College and returned to Dallas police headquarters where they started.

The open carry advocates said they respected the marchers’ right to protest but decided to show up to protect private property.

Luckily, nothing went wrong there. It was just three yokels playing cops and robbers. But Jesus, that’s just nuts.

I wonder what the right wingers would have said if the cops had harassed these guys, roughed them up —shot them because they felt scared? Maybe I’m wrong, but I’d guess they would be very,very, very upset at the behavior of jackbooted thugs concluding they were in danger simply because some God fearing American men were exercising their 2nd Amendment rights. Just because you’re scared it doesn’t mean the constitution is no longer in force, amirite?



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