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Huckleberry to the rescue

Huckleberry to the rescue

by digby

It was kind of a surprise that the House Benghazi! ™ inquisition failed to turn up anything scandalous  You could tell they were a little bit embarrassed by it since they dropped on late on a Friday before Thanksgiving. It’s kind of a no-no to ever let a Clinton scandal go —

But leave it to Huckleberry Graham to keep the flame alive:

“I think the report is full of crap,” Graham said on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

The House Intelligence Committee released a report on Friday evening, which took two years to compile, that found there was no outright intelligence failure during the attack, there was no delay in the rescue of U.S. personnel and there was no political cover-up by Obama administration officials.

After Graham was asked whether the report exonerates the administration, he initially ignored the question, and then eventually said “no.”

The House Intelligence panel, Graham said, is “doing a lousy job policing their own.”

Somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning …

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