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Speaking in tongues on Meet the Press

Speaking in tongues on Meet the Press

by digby

Via Kilgore I see that Bobby Jindal gave Chuck Todd a cognitive workout this week-end:

CHUCK TODD: Very quickly on immigration. If the president goes through with his executive action, do you think Republicans and Capitol Hill ought to use even the power of shutting down the government to stop him from doing it?

GOV. BOBBY JINDAL: Two things. I don’t think the president should shut down the government to try to break the Constitution. The reality is this. I do think the—

CHUCK TODD: You think the president would be shutting down the government?

GOV. BOBBY JINDAL: Oh, absolutely.

CHUCK TODD: So you do want Republicans to fight him on this to the point that it could shut down the government?

GOV. BOBBY JINDAL: Absolute— I don’t think the president should shut down the government.

CHUCK TODD: But you’re twisting my question.

GOV. BOBBY JINDAL: But wait, wait.

CHUCK TODD: That means you want that kind of showdown?

GOV. BOBBY JINDAL: ….No, we shouldn’t shut down the government, but absolutely Republicans should do everything they can to force the president to follow the law. Let’s secure the border. No, the president shouldn’t shut down the government so that he can break the law.

Also too: volcano monitoring.

They shouldn’t be allowed to get away with speaking gibberish on the Sunday Morning shows. It confuses people.  And it allows this sort of nonsense talk to become normal in American discourse. If people want to know why nobody understands politics — or why so many people tune it out — this is your answer.  It quite literally doesn’t make any sense.


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