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Those Who Are Merely Filthy Rich Got Problems by tristero

Those Who Are Merely Filthy Rich Got Problems

by tristero

I truly pity those who are merely filthy rich.  Times are tough.

… the [private] jet market is splitting in two. Sales of the largest, most expensive private jets — including private jumbo jets — are soaring, with higher prices and long waiting lists. Smaller, cheaper jets, however, are piling up on the nation’s private-jet tarmacs with big discounts and few buyers. 

“The real demand is at the very top,” said Mr. Rushton, the president of Aviatrade, a private-jet brokerage and advisory company. “The big guys, the billionaires, have plenty of money, and they’re buying. But the middle and lower end has been much slower to recover from the crisis.” 

The wealthy now have a wealth gap of their own, as economic gains become more highly concentrated at the very top. As the top one-hundredth of the 1 percent pulls away from the rest of that group, the superrich are leaving the merely very rich behind. That has created two markets in the upper reaches of the economy: one for the haves and one for the have-mores.

Oh, the humanity! It must be terrible to have only a few hundred million dollars and not be able to afford that large private plane.

Me? If I had that problem, I’d not be able to live with the shame. I’d have to give all my money away.

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