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Marge is on a roll

Cue the whining:

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) seemed defensive after being called part of the “hardcore fringe” of the Republican party following her vow to vote against government funding if House Republicans do not open an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden.

The Georgia lawmaker claimed she was being persecuted for having “the audacity” to ask questions as she railed against the White House in a Saturday thread on X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter.

“The White House is attacking me for demanding an impeachment inquiry before I’ll vote to fund one penny to our over bloated $32 TRILLION dollar in debt failing government,” Greene simmered.

Last week, the far-right House member pledged to block funding to prevent a government shut-down if her repeated calls for impeachment are not heeded. She also claimed she’d withdraw her vote if any more federal funding was provided for the war in Ukraine or for COVID-19 vaccines.

Still, Greene seemed confident she had “evidence” on her side to merit an inquiry.

“We have the evidence they have desperately been trying to hide to just ask the question,” she continued. “Should we inquire? Should we just take a look? Dare we investigate further? The answer is YES but the White House is outraged at my audacity to demand it.”

Here’s the full rant:

The White House is attacking me for demanding an impeachment inquiry before I’ll vote to fund one penny to our over bloated $32 TRILLION dollar in debt failing government.

We have the evidence they have desperately been trying to hide to just ask the question. Should we inquire? Should we just take a look? Dare we investigate further?

The answer is YES but the White House is outraged at my audacity to demand it. 

The White House is filled with pathetic blind fools led by one corrupt criminal mentally incompetent old man who has been in Washington seats of power longer than I’ve been alive. Over 50 years!

For the White House and administration, 

Your administration, or regime rather, is fueled by policies that legally partner with Mexican criminal cartels that enables the largest human trafficking and drug trafficking industry in world history… 

..Child sex trafficking and Chinese fentanyl murdering our people is your legacy.

Instead of sending military force against the cartels, you beat your chest and spew tough talk while funding and fueling a war defending another corrupt country’s border.. 

..while being too damn weak and pathetic to defend our own border. And you lie everyday to Americans about Ukraine, refusing to admit that Ukraine is losing the war.

Real men and real leaders defend their own country, their own homes, their own people, and their own children… 

..You would rather send our sons and daughters to be blown to shreds in another foreign war and sent home in flag draped coffins than actually do your constitutional duty of defending our own states.

And at home… 

Bidenomics is responsible for the highest inflation in 40 years that is kicking down our senior citizens in poverty and stealing their hope of a good future for their grandchildren. They shed tears daily over the America they knew that is no longer while they scrap together.. 

..pennies to buy food that has doubled and tripled in cost and medicines they can’t afford while you support brainwashing their grandchildren of the most evil disgusting lie that they can change their gender from what God created them to be. 

Joe Biden has been in office over 50 years and many of his uniparty colleagues have been there decades as well. All miraculously becoming wealthy millionaires while making a set taxpayer-funded paycheck.

Yeah, the math doesn’t add up. 

And simultaneously destroying American industries by sending jobs and manufacturing overseas propping up economies in third world countries and destroying our own while throttling China’s strength and shoving rural manufacturing America into crumbling forgotten towns. 

Then you brag and boast about bringing jobs to Americans when you give away millions and millions of taxpayers’ money in tax credits to a foreign country’s company and get them to move into a rural district like mine. Then our home grown businesses have their workers stolen.. the very company you paid to move in with their own hard earned tax dollars. You are actually competing with our own businesses and making it even harder for them to survive and you think they don’t notice?!

You are America last fools. 

Go ahead and mock me, I could care less, and the American people know the truth.

See you soon. 

She seems a little bit upset.

By the way, this line about having our “homegrown workers stolen” is something I’ve never seen before. She’s complaining that jobs are coming into her district. That’s a new one. Not that it matters. The cult will whine and complain about anything and everything. (We saw that years ago when they had a total hissy fit over getting health care.)

Marge’s rant there is the essence of the MAGA critique. It’s complete nonsense but as you can see it’s quite fully fleshed out.

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