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QOTD: Orrin Hatch

QOTD: Orrin Hatch

by digby

To the Federalist Society:

“I get a big kick out of them using the word ‘progressive,'” he said. “My gosh, they’re just straight old dumb-ass liberals anyway.”

He also said that he thought the GOP majority should keep the filibuster rules in place and give those dumb-ass liberals “a taste of their own medicine.” This contrasts with his previous opinion which was that the filibuster rules were tyrannical usurpations of Senate traditions and an assault on democracy itself. Or something like that.

I don’t know about you, but I find all this terribly shocking. This too:

“This president is prone to doing through executive order that which he cannot do by working with the Congress, because he won’t work with us. If he worked with us, I think we could get an immigration bill through … He has a Republican Congress that’s willing to work with him. That’s the thing that’s pretty interesting to me.”

And he’s right. If he would just pass the Republican agenda without any changes or compromise they’d probably go along. Well, maybe. He did try that, after all and it wasn’t good enough. Apparently “working with them” must also include an announcement that he’s officially joining the GOP and will willingly sign all bills rolling back Democratic policies going all the way back to Roosevelt. Or maybe televised ritual hippie sacrifices. But even that probably wouldn’t get the job done.


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