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QOTD: Let the sell-out begin

QOTD: Let the sell-out begin

by digby

Red state Dems have a little hissy fit inside the Democratic Senate caucus, hoping a Tea partier will give them a hug:

Over the last several months, a group of about 10 more junior Democratic senators have begun more openly registering their dissatisfaction with Mr. Reid’s approach, many of them former governors like Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Angus King, independent of Maine, who have been dismayed by the inactivity on Capitol Hill. Inside their meeting, senators complained that Congress had been dominated by gridlock.

“What was really brought up was the frustration that the whole body was dysfunctional,” said Senator Jon Tester of Montana, who was elected chairman of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. “We’ve got to figure out a way to make it functional again to work for the American people,” Mr. Tester said, adding, “I think we take as much blame as the Republicans do.”

Yes, they are equally to blame. After all, all they have to do is pass the Republican agenda unchanged and they can break the gridlock immediately. From what we’re hearing about this lovely group of Quislings, they couldn’t be happier to be free now to vote with the Republicans and pass some noxious shit that people who will never vote for them want. Again.

And so it goes.


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