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Firebombing democracy

Firebombing democracy

by digby

Here’s a nice story about our civilized nation:

The home and two cars of a campaign finance director for a pro-solar energy candidate running for Louisiana’s utility regulatory board were blown up Thursday.

No one was injured in the explosions, and authorities have yet to established a direct link between the apparent attacks and the campaign’s efforts to promote solar energy, according to local station WWL.

But the ATF is assisting in the investigation of the incidents, according to The finance director targeted, Mario Zervigon, a well known political operative in the state, is taking a break from campaigning for candidate Forest Bradley-Wright.

Bradley-Wright is campaigning on a program that allows Louisiana solar-panel users to continue to sell their excess electricity to utility companies. He is facing incumbent Eric Skrmetta, who seeks a cap on how much electricity solar customers can sell. They are competing in a run-off election for a seat on Louisiana’s Public Service Commission, which sets electricity rates in the state. Bradley-Wright has received most of his campaign funds from the solar industry, according to WWL.

Important to note that they don’t know the motive for this firebombing. But if it is political you have to shake your head in wonder that there might be people who are so opposed to people selling their excess solar energy back to the utility companies that they’d fire bomb someone’s house. Let’s just say, I wouldn’t be surprised. I could easily see someone taking it all just a bit too personally.

(No, I don’t think it’s likely that the oil industry hired someone to do this — this is a little below their pay grade.)

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