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Release the report, Senator

Release the report, Senator

by digby

I’ve been writing that someone needs to leak the full 6,000 page Senate Intelligence Committee Torture Report for quite a while. It appears that’s the only way it will ever see the light of day.

Now that Mark Udall’s been defeated I’ve jumped on the bandwagon asking him to to do it — even as I trace the ignominious downfalls of those who’ve bravely done such things in the past. It’s a lot to ask for sure.

My piece in Salon.

While it’s true that Frank Church and Otis Pike and Mike Gravel were not rewarded for their patriotism in their time, there is little doubt that they will be remembered in history for being brave enough to take on the powerful Intelligence and Defense communities when they had the chance and at least help the country to hit the pause button on their worst predations. It’s a rare and inspiring thing to see.

We’re talking about torture this time. Whatever Senator Udall’s future plans might be, it’s fair to assume that knowing what he knows about what happened in that dark period of time, he will sleep better at night knowing that he did the right thing here.


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