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See no sugar, by @Gaius_Publius

See no sugar

by Gaius Publius

Fans of Hullabaloo know that healthy eating is all the rage around here. We’re especially no fan of sugar, the devil’s sweetener — though personally I’d send “modified food starch” and all its cousins to an even lower ring of the Inverse Paradise. But that’s me; I’m from a corn state.

It seems John Oliver, the best political comedian on television, agrees. Here’s Oliver on sugar, a delightful and educational watch. Enjoy:

Why is sugar profitable?

“Sugar activates the brain in a special way. It’s very reminiscent of drugs like … cocaine.”

Sounds tempting, if you’re a predatory food-providing sort. So how prevalent is sugar?

“We have no idea how prevalent sugar is in everything we eat. Look at Clamato juice, the original tomato cocktail … with clam. One serving has 11 grams of sugar in it. So they clearly thought, ‘Look, let’s improve the taste by adding sugar,’ instead of thinking, ‘Let’s improve the taste by removing the clam.'”

Be sure to notice what happens to the over-sugared rat at 3:25 in the clip. The effects of a “North American diet”? You decide.

By the way, if you’re curious why sugar buys so much sweetened legislation in Congress, look no further than our own Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Do click; it’s a fun bipartisan read.



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