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Trust him? #Pressler

Trust him?

by digby

If you care about women’s rights, I wouldn’t trust this guy as far as I could throw him:

October 2, 2014:
ARGUS LEADER: If it was an up or no vote on repeal of Roe v. Wade, somehow, what would you, would you like to repeal Roe v. Wade, or do you think that the nation has to live under that Supreme Court decision?

LARRY PRESSLER: Well, I’d probably vote to repeal if we could let the states decide it in the future.

October 12, 2014:
LARRY PRESSLER: And by the way, let me correct one thing very quickly. I am not for overturning Roe versus Wade. That was quoted one day in the newspapers. I’m for keeping Roe versus Wade.

And in case anyone thinks that this South dakota race is like Kansas, think again. It’s different in a lot of respects, but this one is the most salient:

Unlike in Kansas, in which the Independent is a former Democrat, Pressler was a three-term Republican senator with a conservative voting record. In fact, Pressler only left the Republican Party last year, though he endorsed Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012, hoping for a presidential appointment. Even now, Pressler won’t say whether he’d caucus with the Republicans or the Democrats.

Pressler is an ex-Republican. What are the odds that he wouldn’t “compromise” on reproductive rights? In fact, what are the odds he won’t be far worse that Joe Lieberman?

Yeah, not good.

Contribute to Rick Weiland’s campaign. He won’t wobble.

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