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We Live in a Strange Country: Chapter 1685 by tristero

We Live in a Strange Country: Chapter 1685 

by tristero

Seriously, this is fucking weird:

A second Republican candidate for Mississippi governor has said he will not meet alone with a woman who is not his wife. 

The former Mississippi supreme court Justice Bill Waller Jr says he tries to have at least one staff person with him in both professional and social settings when a woman is present, including when he meets with a female colleague on the court. 

“I just think it’s common sense,” Waller said in a campaign video. 

“In this day and time, I think that appearances are important, I think transparency is important, and people need to have comfort of what’s going on in government between employees and people,” he added. 

Last week another Republican gubernatorial candidate, state congressman Robert Foster, said that he would not allow a female reporter to join his campaign unless she brought a male colleague. 

A campaign spokesman for Waller said the candidate follows the rule because he “believes this is respectful to his wife”.

I don’t know what the real reason is, but this sounds like bullshit.

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