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Palin and purgatory

Palin and purgatory

by digby

If, by chance, you haven’t yet ponied up the hundred bucks for your yearly subscription to Sarah Palin’s new web channel, here’s an example of what you’re missing:

“We believe”? Wait, I thought fast food joints, hurh. Don’t you guys think that they’re like of the Devil or somethin’ I was… Liberals, you want to send those evil employees who would dare work at a fast food joint then ya just don’t believe in, thought you wanted to, I dunno, send them to Purgatory or somethin’ so they all go VEGAN and, uh, wages and picket lines I dunno they’re not often discussed in Purgatory, are they? I dunno why are you even worried about fast food wages because …

I think she sees herself as some sort of comedian. I think …

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