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Wingnut scam ‘o the decade: they’re even ripping off the veterans

Wingnut scam ‘o the decade: they’re even ripping off the veterans

by digby

My piece in Salon today talks about the epic wingnut hustle Pro Publica exposed this week about none other than California’s own Sal Russo and his “veterans” organization Move American Forward:

One of the more amusing aspects of the right-wing freakout over the former chief IRS jackbooted thug Lois Lerner – and her battalion of brown-shirted CPAs allegedly putting the strong arm on the poor little Tea Party groups — is the extent to which so much of right-wing “activism” is made up of professional grifters who really are defrauding the government (but, more importantly, defrauding grassroots conservatives themselves). You’d think they’d be grateful that somebody is trying to put a stop to this thievery, but no. They’d rather line the pockets of a cynical right-wing flim-flam artist than pay the bills for the military, the roads, the untainted meat and the police protection they all enjoy.

Yesterday, I wrote about the resurgence of the Abramoff con game down in Alabama. Now Pro Publica exposes yet another scam from one of the right wing’s most prolific scammers, a man named Sal Russo. In an act of chutzpah that’s aggressive even by conservative hustler standards, Russo is accused of making millions by skimming large sums of money from his veteran’s charity called Move America Forward.

Yes, in case you were wondering, this is the same Sal Russo of Tea Party Express fame, yet another grand wingnut scam.

But hey, these folks are happy to give their social security and disability money to Sal Russo an his cohorts. At least they know it isn’t going to the “wrong” people — if you know what I mean.


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