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It’s a turnout problem, not a persuasion problem. by @DavidOAtkins

It’s a turnout and gerrymandering problem, not a persuasion problem

by David Atkins

The latest poll from the Washington Post is out, and the headline everyone is paying attention to is the one about most people disliking their own member of Congress. After this much inaction and malaise, that doesn’t surprise me. What jumps out to me is the numbers for each of the political parties:

So let’s be clear. People despise Congress and its inability to solve problems. But they absolutely hate Republicans. Democrats aren’t exactly sweethearts, but a majority do have a favorable impression of the party.

If everyone voted, Republicans would be bounced out of influence. But people don’t vote.

The problem isn’t convincing more people. The problem isn’t Fox News or the right-wing media machine or anything like that. Most people aren’t fooled.

The problem is getting the people who do see the world the right way to vote. In the parlance of campaing operatives, it’s a turnout problem, not a persuasion problem.


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