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Tea Party vanquishes Cantor so he can become a Wall Street power broker

Tea Party vanquishes Cantor so he can become a Wall Street power broker

by digby

Poor, poor Eric Cantor. Losing was a terrible blow. It was so painful that he felt he couldn’t even serve out the rest of his term. So he resigned last week altogether.

I’d imagine this will help salve the hurt the just a little bit:

GOP insiders said Cantor has already been approached by a number of K Street lobby shops, companies and Wall Street firms, but has not engaged in any serious negotiations with any of these potential suitors at this point, according to several sources familiar with the conversations.

“He will have opportunities in the traditional Washington political world,” said Nels Olson, a top headhunter at Korn Ferry. “I think he could have Wall Street, investment banks or private equity firms interested given his relevant talents.”

While Cantor would be widely sought after in Washington, he is more seriously considering potential hedge fund, private equity or big bank opportunities, according to sources familiar with his post-Congress thinking.

Heads of law firms and lobbying outfits in Washington say they’ve received no signals that Cantor is heading their way.
“He’s not coming here. He’s done with this place,” said one firm head who has spoken to Cantor. Ivan Adler of McCormick Group said, “There are two famous streets in America that would be glad to employ him. Either Wall Street or K Street would pay him a pretty good chunk of change.”

The Virginia Republican has spent much of the summer months in the Hamptons, the wealthy Long Island enclave that becomes a playground for the rich and affluent each summer. His wife is fully immersed in corporate America — she serves on the boards of five corporations.

Cantor’s potential New York payday is a little harder to determine because it will depend on the structure of any firm he joined. Corporate headhunters said Cantor is likely to make well north of $1 million annually.

Poor, poor Eric Cantor. It just makes you want to cry.

The irony in all this, of course, is that he was beaten by someone considered to be hostile to the big banks and Wall Street.  I suspect that within a very short time Cantor will be laughing all the way to his Cayman off shore account. And David Brat will likely be focusing on more important matters — like “illegal” children stealing all of our good jobs and health care.


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