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Then Again, It Likely Won’t by tristero

Then Again, It Likely Won’t 

by tristero

Maureen Dowd sits down with Pelosi:

While the number of House Democrats who want an impeachment inquiry is growing — it’s up to 80 now — Pelosi knows that giving in to that primal pleasure could backfire.

Then again, it likely won’t.

As president, Trump has demonstrated that he is existentially dangerous. Seriously, there is no excuse not to impeach. Doesn’t Pelosi realize she will go down in history — assuming there’s anyone left to write it — as the person who failed to do everything within her power to prevent a global catastrophe?

There are many things in American poltics that are close calls, but impeaching Trump is simply not among them. This is disgraceful.

PS Despite what Dowd cynically writes, no one with an ounce of civic integrity — absolutely no one, — will take any pleasure in impeaching a president. But it has to be done.

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