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The worst neocon of all? I think it’s this guy…

The worst neocon of all? I think it’s this guy.

by digby

Neocons are coming out of the woodwork.  But this one I wrote about for Salon is special:

If there was any doubt that the neocon undead will walk the earth forever, one only has to look at the latest reanimation of one of the most notorious of the whole bunch: none other than Elliott “I don’t know nothin’ about Salvadoran massacres” Abrams. It’s hard to believe that someone with his record would ever be consulted about anything more controversial than whether the veal looks good today, but here he is, in Politico magazine, giving credence to the belief that the zombie apocalypse is nigh.

His piece is entitled “The Man Who Broke the Middle East.” And no, it’s not about his former boss George W. Bush or his good friend Dick Cheney. It’s about President Obama, who Abrams says inherited a wonderful peaceful world filled with puppies and flowers and fresh baked bread…Read on.

He’s one of those zombies who’s been around for decades wreaking havoc wherever he goes. But he did something very, very, very bad during the 1980s that ranks up there with the worst things Americans have ever done — he covered up a massacre by US sponsored forces in El Salvador. That’s not a “policy disagreement”. It’s a straight-up war crime. Basically, this proves that there is literally nothing a hawk can ever do to lose his reputation in the American national security establishment.


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