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QOTW: The Man Called Petraeus

QOTW: The Man Called Petraeus

by digby

Oh heck. John McCain’s not going to be happy about this:

“This cannot be the United States being the air force for Shia militias, or a Shia on Sunni Arab fight.”

Oh, don’t worry the “bad guys” will be the shirts and the “good guys” will be the skins so we’ll be able to pinpoint them with our x-ray vision and only kill the right ones. And only kill just enough to send a message. Because we’re good and they’re evil.

Of course, the architect of the surge is dismayed that his temporary co-option of the Sunnis didn’t reverse a thousand years of enmity. But at least he recognizes that this is a sectarian war and not jihad aimed at America which rapidly congealing into beltway CW if the Sunday shows are any indication. So there’s that …


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