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#GrantHer FTW

GrantHer FTW

by digby

Here’s a very neat idea from my pal Peter Daou and his wife Leela Daou:

GrantHer focuses attention on women and girls around the globe who are a force for positive change. We provide no-strings-attached personal grants to the next generation of women leaders, entrepreneurs, activists, thinkers, and creators. Grants range from $50 to $500, covering items from business startup costs to supplies for creative projects, budgets for investigative reporting, and travel and registration expenses for professional conferences.

If you have general feedback or would like to recommend someone for a grant, please use this form. Provide all relevant information about the prospective recipient, including full name, contact information, location, and the purpose of the grant. We will respond to grant requests within 30 days. Recipients are selected after careful review. Please note: The number of deserving recipients will always exceed available resources. Grants are not taxable.

I’m proud to be on the advisory board of this project. Sometimes all it takes is a few buck that you don’t have to make a difference.  If you go to the link above you’ll see a whole bunch of women who are doing that, one small project at a time.

I’m going to be keeping an eye on this and bringing some of the stories to these pages from time to time. It’s important to refocus from the 30 thousand feet level to the street level.  That’s where the real inspiration lies.



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