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This Is Really A Thing?

Yesterday Trump’s attorney introduced a tweet by Michael Cohen in which he called Trump Von ShitzenPants into the record in an argument about the gag order. This is related to certain internet memes about Trump allegedly wearing adult diapers. I think it’s a mean joke but if there’s anyone who deserves it, it’s him.

Now I’m seeing this stuff crop up on social media and I don’t know if it’s a lefty joke or some kind of MAGA attempt at a gag or what. But damn. This is where we are these days:

These pics apparently come from a Pennsylvania blog called Dispatches from Trumpland:

After noticing a trend of pro Donald diaper merch at rallies throughout this year, I hit up President Trump’s latest event in rural Pennsylvania last weekend with the express purpose of seeing if his faithful were still flying their diaper flag. And let me tell you, it did not disappoint.

Not only were there tons of diaper hats, shirts, stickers and actual diapers themselves, but one group had a massive probably six foot “Diaper Don” Flag that they were waving in line.


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