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Vigilantism is the new Law and Order

Vigilantism is the new Law and Order

by digby

Sean Hannity is giving Ted Nugent a run for his money:

Poor Sean Hannity. He’s every wingnut grandma’s favorite little boy but he just can’t catch a break. First he suffers the indignity of being beaten in the ratings by MSNBC feminazi Rachel Maddow and then Big Daddy Roger Ailes demotes him for conservative bombshell Megyn Kelly. And then he was threatened with the loss of every right-wing celebrity’s most valued possession (after his AR-15 of course), his radio show. It’s enough to make any red-blooded right-wing fellow feel a little bit insecure.

But Hannity has been going beyond the normal macho Fox News posturing to try to win his way back into the hearts and minds of conservatives. He’s become downright bloodthirsty on a level you rarely see outside the right-wing fever swamps (where they are still gleefully enjoying the details of this week’s “botched” executions in Oklahoma — with a bottle of nice Chianti).

That’s from today’s piece at Salon. Hannity’s latest conservative super-hero, is a a murderous fiend. It’s sick.

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