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The best way to make sure Obama doesn’t give in? Hold the Senate. by @DavidOAtkins

The best way to make sure Obama doesn’t give in? Hold the Senate.

by David Atkins

Dems are worried about what will happen in a post 2014 environment in which Republicans hold the Congress. Will President Obama exercise his veto pen? Or will he cave?

Democrats have something else to fear after the November midterms besides just an all Republican-controlled Congress: President Barack Obama.

With Obama’s political career winding down and poll numbers continuing to languish, his party brethren fret that their own president — forced to work with GOP majorities — would give away the store on key policy issues ranging from the budget to energy and trade. It’s a concern congressional Democrats have voiced every time Obama and Vice President Joe Biden tried to cut big fiscal deals with Republicans — and the panic is now more palpable with the growing prospect of a Senate GOP majority.

I’m worried, too. But the best way not to find out is to not lose the Senate.


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