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Downcast Re: Comcast by tristero

Downcast Re: Comcast

by tristero

Comcast makes a poorly designed product that people hate and only use because there is no alternative. How do they thrive? From help from their Very Powerful Friends, who grease every wheel in sight.

In reading this op-ed in the Times, what struck me is that the people involved in propping up this awful company with tax bribes and competition-stifling seemed to have no idea that their behavior is utterly depraved.

Unchecked, such clueless corruption is a recipe for disaster. This is not just about Comcast. Sooner or later, the obliviousness of our Overlords will have an impact on something truly critical to the lives of the rest of us, like a collapse in affordable food or energy or shelter.

And then there could be some truly serious ugliness.

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