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The Jebbie question

The Jebbie question

by digby

ICYMI: My piece on Salon earlier today about Jebbie, Rove, Coulter and the next President George Bush.

If there’s ever been a case of a serious presidential contender who doesn’t seem to have the fire in the belly, it’s Jeb Bush. He makes Fred Thompson’s somnambulant performance in 2008 look like Rahm Emanuel after shooting a triple espresso. 

How else, for example, to explain what seem to be public utterances of an incoherent interior dialogue on the subject of immigration? It was just a few months ago that many in the GOP establishment called for the smelling salts over his rejection of a path to citizenship in his book called “Immigration Wars: Forging an American Solution,” when various wags whispered that it appeared he was politically rusty and out of step.

Read on ….

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